Maria Rampendal

Her have accused that it a witch, and it has been imprisoned the cities of Lemgo. Having passed torments of tortures, it wasn't broke by soul, didn't begin to slander itself, has sustained, has survived. Moreover, it has brought an action against the accusers, on the mayor and - has won process! Also has been rehabilitated. Quarter of the century has still lived. Name its Maria Rampendal.

It was last - 1681 - process of witches in Lemgo.

Our trip to Lemgo has taken place at week - day. We have bought the general privilege ticket (there and back) on all our group. Leaving the bus, we have approached to the ancient bypass channel and have stopped at a monument monument. The teacher has shortly told to us about the city of Lemgo. An ancient city which was included in due time into the Union of Hanseatic cities. Then we have gone to city Museum Hexenbuergermeisterhaus (the House of the burgomaster of witches). An ancient medieval building in style with columns and ornaments on a facade.

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Holiday of St. Kilian

Every autumn in Shyotmare (Germany) is had a holiday devoted to sacred Kilianu - Kilianfest. Last year there was a small, 25-year-old anniversary of this tradition. St. Kilian – the patron of two temples in a city, his name are carried by one of charitable schools and also a drugstore - the Irish monk, subsequently the bishop, the educator of Franconia and one of the first apostles of Bavaria, living in 7th century, is known not only the belief, but also practical skills in the field of agriculture, a woodworking and buildings, experience of healing of eye illnesses and a radiculitis also had. ...

Was born in Ireland, apprx. 640 years, in a family of noble and pious parents. Since an early youth has selected a monastic way and intended to spend all life in a monastic cell, however has felt an appeal from above and it was reoriented on missionary work.

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Notes about Turkey

We at southern coast of Turkey, in Antalia: Mediterranean sea, mountain ridges the Hummock.
The road along coast - without borders - spirit grasps, only lower a sight downwards, to the sea, in it is transparent turning blue, smooth surfaces of its bays.

One of unique creations of the nature, the eighth miracle of the world in the Western Antalia - Pamukkale. Already from afar it is possible to see seeming snow mountain magnificence - calcareous terraces - with healing water flowing down on them from thermal sources. Here it is possible to resemble barefoot in the warm water sated with calcium, admiring fancifully stiffened outlines and forms, to approach to pool where there is no time tsarina Cleopatra bathed.


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