Every autumn in Shyotmare (Germany) is had a holiday devoted to sacred Kilianu - Kilianfest. Last year there was a small, 25-year-old anniversary of this tradition. St. Kilian – the patron of two temples in a city, his name are carried by one of charitable schools and also a drugstore - the Irish monk, subsequently the bishop, the educator of Franconia and one of the first apostles of Bavaria, living in 7th century, is known not only the belief, but also practical skills in the field of agriculture, a woodworking and buildings, experience of healing of eye illnesses and a radiculitis also had.
... Was born in Ireland, apprx. 640 years, in a family of noble and pious parents.
Since an early youth has selected a monastic way and intended to spend all life in a monastic cell, however has felt an appeal from above and it was reoriented on missionary work. According to its desire, it has got corresponding education in a monastery, has been devoted and has received obedience to go to pagan areas of Germany. In 686 missionaries have reached a Würzburg where duke Gozbert corrected at that time. Seeing that in these edges the paganism dominates, and having found goodwill in the opinion of the duke, Kilian with companions have decided to remain in a Würzburg but before to begin the sermon, have gone to Rome behind blessing.
The father has blessed all of them, but Kiliana has allocated especially and has devoted it in bishops.
Having learned German, Kilian with companions have started at last sermon business (after a while missionaries were divided, – a part from them have gone further, and Kilian remained in a Würzburg with two assistants – priest Kolomanom and Totnanom.) also has made this city base for further åâàíãåëèçàöèè edges. As a result duke Gozbert and a considerable part of its citizens have addressed in Christian belief.
But, when Gozbert has become the Christian, sacred has considered obligatory to specify to that in illegality of its marriage with áðàòíåé the widow and took from duke the promise to leave with the spouse. That has flown into a rage and has conceived to revenge sacred, as has carried out, having waited absence of the duke. St. Kilian and both its associates have been secretly killed and dug together with all their sacred books, vessels, vestments and everything that to them belonged.
When, after returning of the duke, the crime has emerged on a surface, the criminal all denied some time, but has soon gone mad, has confessed in a criminal conduct and has died the madwoman. After death of St. Kiliana († 689) missionary activity in east Franconia has practically decayed – before arrival of St. Bonifatsija. Remains of three martyrs (Koloman were companions of St. Kiliana, the priest, and Totnan) exhaled healings and not in the last instance thanks to it haven't got lost.
Day of memory sacred – on July, 8th.
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