To congratulate Gogol with an anniversary …

Many of its characters became nominal: it is necessary to tell: "Box", Pljushkin, Nozdrev, Tchitchikov, - and we remember both appearance, and words, and all essence of an image. We remember since the childhood of the description of the nature, full lyric poets and love: "the Rare bird will reach the middle of Dnepr...", "And what Russian doesn't love fast driving..."

In London the book in which writers which, before to die are specified is published, it is necessary to read. And Gogol among them Nikolay Vasilevich Gogol. Its fantastic stories, stories ("Nose", etc.!

... When the future writer was born, in low малороссийской хатке with a clay floor and a straw roof, his parents were excited only with one: whether he will live, whether will survive? For two first son, hardly been born, have died. Mother, Maria Ivanovna, having become pregnant in the third time, went in next Dikanku to pray to Nikolay Chudotvortsa's icon which, affected, helped children and seamen. In honor of sacred also have named the boy when it became clear - will survive.


Had a wonderful dream. As if I gather in any European country, and to me offer America, transit. I speak: "I don't have such means." To me answers, as if my former schoolgirl: "I can help you money." To look at America from the north to the south...


Gogol: "hasn't passed also five months after the arrival mine to Petersburg as I have embarked already, without having been able to oppose to feeling, me to not clearest. The project and the purposes of my travel very much weren't clear." "Inclination" - means desire to leave abroad, it has turned out - has gone, as "to familiar for a long time village" where has admired nothing, hasn't surprised, hasn't detained on itself attention.


After returning again dreams about any "to the fantastic country of happiness and reasonable productive work". "Such country represented to it America". But instead of America Gogol has gone to serve in Department of a state farm and public buildings.


"Its blond hair which from temples fell directly as ordinary at Cossacks, have kept still color of youth, but have already considerably thinned; from its sloping, smooth, white forehead still and blew as mind. In small brown eyes cheerfulness - cheerfulness, instead of humour sparkled from time to time; but in general their sight seemed tired. The long, pointed nose gave Gogol's physiognomies something artful, fox; the unprofitable impression was made also by its bloated, soft lips under the cut moustaches: in their uncertain outlines were expressed - so, at least, it seemed to me - naywards of its character: when he spoke, they unpleasantly revealed and showed a number of bad teeth; the small chin left in a wide velvet black tie. In Gogol's bearing, in it телодвижениях there was something not professorial, but teacher's - something reminding teachers at provincial institutes and grammar schools." What you clever, both strange, and a sick being! "- it was involuntarily thought, looking at it.


Gogol's portrait eyes of its contemporary, Ivan Turgeneva: Further Turgenev writes, is thin noticing the relation to live display of a word: "the Impression of weariness, painful, нервического anxieties which it has at first made on me, - has disappeared. He spoke about value of the literature, on calling of the writer, about that, properly to concern own products; has stated some thin and true remarks on the process of work, about most if it is possible so to be expressed, writing physiology, and all is language figurative, original and, how many I could notice, absolutely not not prepared in advance... Only when it has led conversation on censorship, nearly without glorifying, nearly without approving it as means to develop in the writer skill, ability to protect the child, patience and set of other Christian and secular virtues - only then seemed to me that it scoops from a ready arsenal."


Meal on a bicycle on spring, I admire the cherry flowering, the semiopened buds of a magnolia, verses I compose:

It is a little heat -
And the cherry has blossomed,
Magnolia tomorrow...


And thought coming back to Gogol, to his letter. "The trues above, the it is necessary бытьосторожнее with them; otherwise they suddenly will address in platitudes, and to the general местамуже don't trust. It is malicious not so much atheists, how many произвелизла hypocritical or even simply unprepared проповедатели have made god, daring to say a name its unconsecrated lips. To address with a word it is necessary fairly. It is the higher gift of god to the person. The trouble to say to its writer during that time when it is under the influence of passionate hobbies, disappointment, either anger, or any personal нерасположения to somebody, a word - during that time when its own soul hasn't come to symmetry: it such leaves a word which all will become loathsome. And then with the most cleanest desire it is kind it is possible to make harm."


Whether about it tells also Dalaj - lama? If there is arrangement, no goodwill we don't see a true picture of events and the phenomena, don't see the neighbor. If mind is captured, for example, by jealousy or hatred, the person become almost mad and makes mistakes. It really tragedy, also is connected it, with narrowness of our sights. If mind in rest, it is possible to use correctly the human intelligence, its potential. In a quiet condition we judge more correctly and thus we do our life better and we keep human values.

Let's not speak about the religious maintenance of thoughts of Gogol, only we will ask themselves one question: your acquaintance or the friend, having believed, whether began to broadcast instead of conversing in an open and frank manner?!.

... Thoughts. They are capable to emerge, slide, flying against each other if at all are free to be, them follow try, concentrate them. And to write down thoughts, having defined a word, and it is more difficult than that. A word it is possible to create the worlds and circumstances: images of light, for example. The gloom - where to it to get to? – Will come itself, we want that or not, to shade both that, and another.

So the grief shades pleasure so night after comes to day... So it is a lot of chances at misunderstanding...
To us it is not allowed to foresee, as our word will respond, for all in hands of a foresight, destinies, in a context of life and circumstances of the separate person, in that daily-every second choice of thought, an act: to understand, read truly signs on destiny, not to go back, not to stroke the wrong way circumstance of the life. To us it is not allowed to foresee, as our word will respond, but we have a possibility to understand that moves the sun and a star, and spirit of the person - love.
The person is equal to scope covered it, souls to filling is equal.

I go to congratulate Gogol with 200-year-old anniversary. Originally didn't dare: here bravery should be had.


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